By Allegra Burton, MPH, RDNTuesday, 12 August 2014 

Do you find yourself hungry for a snack between meals but really never sure what a good, healthy snack choice might be for you? Read on.

Snacks – just like meals – should ideally include lean protein and healthy fats along with fiber to help you feel satisfied. Throw in some fresh fruit and/or veggies and you’re in business.

Here are some snack ideas to try on for size:

  • Plain, nonfat greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a handful of nuts
  • Raw veggies (cut-up carrots, peppers, cucumbers, cauliflower, etc.) with hummus
  • Rice cake spread with almond butter and plain nonfat greek yogurt topped with sliced fruit and a sprinkle of cinnamon
  • A hardboiled egg and some fruit or veggies
  • 1/2 sweet potato (works well with cold leftover sweet potato) with a smear of almond butter and plain nonfat greek yogurt (delish!)
  • Lettuce roll: roll a slice of turkey and a slice of light cheese in a big leaf of romaine lettuce
  • Mini pita bread with hummus and veggies
  • Whole grain crackers (like Mary’s Gone Crackers, Ak Mak, etc.) with light cheese and some fruit or veggies
  • Mini quesadilla: microwave small corn tortilla with shredded light cheese and spinach leaves or other veggie

And stay tuned for more delicious, healthy snack and meal ideas!